Saturday 8 October 2016

Getting some plugin functionality back into Xcode 8

One of the big losses in Xcode 8 was the plug-in ecosystem in previous versions most easily leveraged by installing Alcatraz (R.I.P)

 Raise them radars if theres some functionality you want back and you might see it in Xcode 9

 In the meantime if the underlying functionality of your plugin can be expressed as command line utility you can use Automator.

Step 1.

Launch Automator and create a new Service.

Step 2. Setting Up

To do whatever it is you want your thing to do on the command line add a Run Shell Script action.

Unless you are a magician whose shell scripts do exactly what you intended first time you will need to add  a  Get Specified Text action to test things out.

You'll discard the Get Specified Text action before you finally save.

Step 3. Do the thing 

In my case I want to be able to search in Dash quickly. Luckily Dash has a URL scheme 

dash://{search phrase}

I use the naive implementation and pass the composed string to open

/usr/bin/open dash://$SEARCHTERM

Hit run and lets see.

It doesn't like spaces...

So I just need to transmogrify the selected text to URL encoded format. So I dive into the fount of infinite knowledge and come up with

SEARCHTERM=`python -c "import urllib, sys; print urllib.quote(sys.argv[1])" "$SEARCHTERM"`
/usr/bin/open dash://$SEARCHTERM

Which gives me.


Step 4 - Save it and assign a key shortcut

Delete the Get Specified Text action and save your Automator flow and give it an appropriate name that you'd like to see in a menu.

It will be saved in the correct folder for you (in ~/Library/Services)

Now when you select some text in Xcode you'll be able to see this in Xcode > Services

But really you'll want to do this with a key shortcut.

Open up the Keyboard settings panel and go to the Shortcuts tab. Select App Shortcuts

Press + and enter the Exact Case Sensitive name of the menu command ( the name of your action file )

Select the Keyboard Shortcut field and use the key combo that you want.

You may find your desired key combo is already in use so it might take a couple of tries to get one that's unique.

Now you can use the key command to search in Dash whenever you select some text.


  1. The instructions are unhelpful, I'm glad I only wasted 7 dollars on this.

    You need a decent getting started guide.

  2. What would you like to know about?
